Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)
Inventive Products engineers have been working on projects together
since 1990. All the projects to date have done little or nothing
for the betterment of mankind and are typically just for the betterment
of a few. Searching for products that have genuine possibilities
toward helping mankind navigate the future with a bit more ease
and health, we began seriously investigating and researching alternative
energy and healing methods since about 1999. Our research into Nikola
Tesla, Victor Schauberger and John Keely taught us that energy and
the search for it in the universe is highly interrelated with energy
of the body and the search for greater health. Our research also
uncovered some little known facts such as: One hundred years ago
there were more electric cars on the road than gasoline powered
ones. One hundred years ago we knew what caused cancer and how to
treat it.
As society has "developed" and politics and economics have
gained power over less lucrative processes and equipment most of this
knowledge disappeared. The researchers here at Inventive Products
have all lost love ones to cancer and in our effort to find an alternative
solution we came across George Lakhovsky and the MWO. George Lakhovsky had a 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers
over an 11-year period. Today we celebrate a 50% five-year survival rate.
Based upon this most intriguing documented information, we began in earnest
to pursue the development of the most "true to Lakhovsky's original
MWO" possible.
IP took months researching the patent that Lakhovsky received
on his machine and various writings of Lakhovsky and Nicolus Tesla describing
the interworkings of the MWO machine design. Almost on a dare a crude
machine was assembled out of bailing wire and bubble gum, it only survived
for about 20 minutes, but during that time, it showed positve resutlts
in our test subject and the press was on to develop a machine that would
perform as did the original machine while at the same time be more reliable.
In a recent Business Week cover story on cancer, oncologists
and pharmaceutical company representatives stated that within 5 years,
they were hoping to treat cancer like aids. With a cocktail of drugs you
take for the rest of your life. Personally we like alternative theory
of keeping healty much better, not to mention the economics, so we set
out to recreate Lakhovsky's work as exactly as possible while utilizing
modern electronics to decrease size and increase reliability.
****These statements have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.*****