to the Alternative Health side of the Inventive Products
web site. Here you wil be introduced to what we feel
is the most professional, robust and maintance free
MWO availibe in the world today. Products that have
the potential of greatly enhancing the lives of those
that are willing to reach out and explore new universes.
Based on our research it appears that one hundred years ago we
knew what caused cancer and how to treat it. According
to several US patents, AIDS has been cured simply and
inexpensively as well, but just like solar energy, if
you can not charge for it, it is forbidden among the
financially powerful. The researchers here at
Inventive Products have all lost love ones to cancer
and in our effort to find an alternative proactive solution
we came across George Lakhovsky and the MWO among other
forward thinking individuals.
For those that have adventured into taking responsibility for
their own health, have done their research, and feel
that a piece of equipment like George Lakhovsky's MWO
will be a benefit to them, Inventive
Products offers two models of the MWO, The Personal
MWO, and the Professional MWO. Click on the top most
picture for info on the Personal MWO, Middle for info
on the Professional MWO, and the bottom picutre for
information on George Lakhovsky and his MWO from 1920.

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