What seemed like a promising development in the use of the MWO
in America quickly faded after Lakhovsky unexpectedly died in New York in
1942 at the age of 73. A car struck and killed him in a most mysterious
manner. His equipment was removed from the hospital and patients were told
that the therapy was no longer available. Except for a brief trial in New
York, Lakhovsky's work remained completely unknown to the American public.
Even the spectacular success of the New York cases were quickly forgotten;
an unlikely lapse of memory in the natural scheme of things. It seems that
hidden hands were at work when it came to obliterating the memory of Lakhovsky's
Multi-Wave Oscillator in America.
The Beck Rescue
Lakhovsky's name and achievements probably
would have continued to remain unknown in America had it not been for the
efforts of Dr. Bob Beck, D. Sc..
In 1963, Bob found an original Lakhovsky MWO
stored in the basement of a well known hospital in southern California.
He managed to gain access to the machine and opened it up to see what was
inside. He undoubtedly examined Lakhovsky's US patent of the Multi-Wave
Oscillator as well (US patent # 1,962,565). He then wrote a series of articles
which were published in the Borderlands
Journal that explained how the
MWO worked. A number of people began building their own MWO's based on Beck's
articles in Borderlands. Later, in 1986, Borderlands put together a big
manual called The Lakhovsky Multiple
Wave Oscillator Handbook which was updated and revised again in 1988,
'92, and '94. The Handbook includes
a compilation of informative articles by many authoritative researchers
on the MWO, including translated articles by Lakhovsky himself. Fortunately, a small but growing cadre of experimenters, researchers
and curious Americans are helping to revive this simple, honest device.
Thousands of people have been helped quietly and without fanfare, due to
the monopoly that doctors enjoy on being able to make medical claims. Several
people now offer MWO's built from hard work and research into Lakhovsky's
MWO and their own determination to see this life saving technology survive.